Constructing cleanrooms and controlled environment solutions is an expertise we have developed to a position where we are now a well established and highly credible supplier to the medical device, micro manufacturing and healthcare sectors. A focus on technology innovation and safe construction methods guarantees right-first-time delivery of validated clean room facilities. Partitioning and glazing systems, doors, walk-on ceilings, and associated accessories such as wall protection, cleanroom furniture and pass-through hatches can also be designed and installed as part of our deliverable. We’re mindful of the requirement for strict adherence to industry construction procedures; you’re guaranteed certainty of performance, and a safe, on-time validated cleanroom. Construction Options Size, function, standards of cleanliness, complexity, and quality are all determinants of cleanroom build, and dependent on product and company need. Construction and internal fit-outs vary…which or whether?
We’re specialists in:
Customised Solutions / Controlled Environments
Facility Construction and Fit-Out / Prototype Design
Special Purpose Machinery / Production Line Automation
We’ve solved a lot of production problems since 1995.
We Thrive on Challenge!